MuseumArnhemVR.nl is a virtual experience I worked in for Museum Arnhem. I was responsible for technical and interactive side of this project. I also worked on the building and environment and realizing the visual style of the experience. The virtual museum can be enjoyed from your browser (in the window below) or at the museum itself from a virtual reality headset. The surfaces of the architecture in the museum are always changing based on where your mouse is. The patterns and textures are inspired by riso print.
Visit museumarnhemvr.nl to experience it for yourself. You can look around by holding down you mouse button and moving your mouse. Click on the ground and you will move to that position.

Making of:
For this project we had to figure out how we would animate the patterns on the walls and floors. Eventually we used simple black and white animation frames which got picked randomly and recolored with colors from two color palettes.
To save space, the animation frames for the buildings where combined in single textures (one per building). By color coding them they can easily be read by a custom shader. They where also tiled so even more frames could fit in a singe (square) texture.
The final combined textures have the extra benefit of looking very nice. 😀

Custom shaders where very important for this project. They where used for ‘animating’ the patterns, but they where also used to get the style we wanted. We were inspired by riso prints and the way they use noise to create gradients (see left).
In the experience we used the custom shaders to combine (baked) lighting, patterns and noise to create surfaces which look interesting from far away as well as from close by.

Commissioned by: Museum Arnhem // Concept Development: Rudolf Romero // Creative Technologist: Sjoerd van Acker // Art Direction: Zsa Zsa Tuffy // Sound Design: Javi Herrero